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3854 West Cambridge
Springfield, MO 65807

Multimedia Gallery

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For a closer view and information on each of the immedia3 multimedia projects listed below by clicking their info links.

Apples Of Gold Apples Of Gold
Graphic used as a screen background to announce a women's mentoring program.
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Grumpy Old Prophets Grumpy Old Prophets
Graphic used to promote a Christmas production in 2002.
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Arkansas Burris Arkansas Burris
Spoof of Raiders of the Lost Ark movie poster.
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The Endor Witch Project The Endor Witch Project
Graphic used as a screen background and commercial to promote a speaking message.
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Who Wants To Be A Choir Member? Who Wants To Be A Choir Member?
Graphic spoof of the "Who Wants to be a Millioinaire" game show used as a screen background in a skit to promote choir membership.
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The Good Soldier The Good Soldier
Graphic used as a screen background in a boot-camp style speaking message for youth.
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Survival Survival
Graphic spoof of the "Survivor" TV show used as a screen background in a speaking message.
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Lessons From The Titanic Lessons From The Titanic
Graphic used as a screen background in a speaking message.
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